The Hero's Journey
If you're looking for a story that follows the her's journey to a T, look no further. J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit" is the perfect example. While I found the read a little boring and narrated in a strange point of view, the story is very fun. This is definitely the kind of book that works well as an audiobook, due to the voice of the narrator. I also found Tolkien's environment to be great as a writer. Ordinary World: Bilboa Baggins is a simple, quaint hobbit, living an ordinary life. He lives a cyclical life as most hobbits do. Call to Adventure: Gandalf comes to Bilboa's house and plans a meeting there. During the meeting, Bilboa is "asked" to join the group of 13. During the quest they will steal from a resting dragon. Refusal of the Call: In this story it's pretty obvious. Bilboa basically says no to adventure. He even gets overwhelmed and passes out. Mentor: Gandalf serves as the mentor here. He even saves the group after t...