Satire and Sci-Fi
I listened to the first hour and a half of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Each week tops my favorite thing that I looked at for that week. Although it's a fun listen, it does touch on some political topics in a satirical way. Right of the bat, the protagonist is having an issue with his city officials because they are trying to take his house down to build a new road. This bit is taken even further when the protagonist says the only way he found out was by going into a dungeon with a torch, that had all kinds of "beware" signs just to get to the file that would alert him of the change. This is something that commonly happens in our world today. The want for progress and new things that are supposed to better our world are often hidden from us, do not better the world, and actually inconvenience us all. The icing on the cake with this example is when they go as far as to explode the planet Earth because in space they are building a new space way ...