Cyber and Steam Punk

"Fragments of a Hologram Rose" is a story that just makes you think. There's a constant switch between points of view, yet at the same time it's not switching. By listening to these cassette tapes we're able to gather a sense of what a person has done. The time of this story is a bit confusing, as well. We constantly bounce between present day, the past, and a completely different place in what could be the present day or the future.

I found it neat how there is really only one character in this story (Parker,) but we are able to get other characters through the holograms. There's a great contrast between the rotting United States (in the future of course) and his dreams through these sensory tapes.

The structure of this story was very confusing at first, but upon a second read it's a bit easier to understand. The setting is pretty great as well. This dystopian future where people use sensory holograms as a form of escape and a drug and the rain is acid. I like how the story has a very modern catalyst --the end of a relationship, but is set in the future. Gibson also does a really good job at using short sentences to describe things that are happening. The entire opening sequence with the girlfriend leaving and the disposal of the hologram rose, was well written.


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